Dr. Craig L. Blomberg (Professor of New Testament, Denver Conservative Baptist Seminary) gives a recommendation of the commentary on Mathhew:
“Many detailed, even multi-volume, critical commentaries on the gospel of Matthew have appeared in recent years. Older, much shorter works still prove serviceable for the busy pastor or teacher. But few resources are currently available for the exegete or expositor of Matthew that are both fully abreast of contemporary scholarship and concise or succinct. Dr. Van den Brink has accomplished both objectives; what is more, he writes from a position of solid evangelical Christian conviction and maps out introductory positions on the Gospel that prepare for accepting the substantial historicity of the text in ways that differ from conservative and liberal standards alike. While not a lengthy work, the comments in the body of the text are extremely well chosen and exegetically both sane and useful. For the thoughtful student of Matthew’s volume wanting a quick overview to the most crucial issues and perplexing problems of a given passage, Van den Brink gives them most helpful guidance indeed.”